VTP2 Roman Cordoba 2.0.2
If you've tried VirTimePlace, you know ourVirtual Window to walk through the history, but VirTimePlace 2 goesfurther. You can fly, yes fly, why not? With VirTimePlace youtravel to the past, but you use today technology and everything ispossible.This trip you will meet the Roman Cordoba hidden in our streets:Temples, Forum, Palace of Maximian, Amphitheatre, Theatre,mausoleums, the ancient bridge recently renovated ... And until2015 at half price.Keep in mind that research has not ended and, in some cases, ourrecreation is supported just by a weak hypothesis, but you can havenow a complete view of the Roman city, which will change in timewith new discoveries and corrections.As always, we are open to your comments and suggestions in order toenrich this product to make it more attractive your visit to ourcity, or simply allow you to know about it from anywhere in theworld.About price. We try to maintain free this universal heritagebecause it provides added value to the touristic destination, butfor now, we have not gotten support enough in Cordoba and we mustinvolve users for the project to be alive.Also, remember that you can test our technology using other appsthat we distribute freely and walk over the Roman recreation at ourwebsite this app only if you want to enjoy it on your mobile andpromote their development.Promotional video available in Spanish, for now
VTP Córdoba MedinaAzahara1000 1.5.2
Walk through the old city of Madinat Al-zahrain the tenth century, to understand how it was before hisfall.You can see it at on PC or Mac, butif your Android device is compass enabled, virtimeplace will use itto guide the virtual camera automatically, providing a sense ofaugmented reality.You can also navigate using joystics like a video game or touchpadnavigation as standard modes.Virtimeplace is conceived to promote the knowledge of ourcultural heritage, so remember, if possible, don't stay virtual,visit the real places and enjoy the mixture.Use with at least 512 Mb of RAM, but also 1GHz is recommendedfor better performance.User guide: video available in Spanish, for now
vtp cordoba mosque1000 1.5.1
Walk through the mosque of Cordoba in thetenthcentury, just before the enlargement of Almanzor.You can browse the virtual place from your computerat but using your compassenabledAndroid device, virtimeplace will drive the virtualcameraautomatically, providing a sense of augmented reality.Moreover if you also are in Cordoba near to the real mosque, andGPSis active, virtimeplace will capture your location in the modelandshows you a real window into the past of this monument.You can also navigate using joystics like a video game ortouchpadnavigation as standard modes.VIRTIMEPLACE is conceived to promote the knowledge ofourcultural heritage, so remember, if possible, don't stayvirtual,visit the real places and enjoy the mixture.Use with at least 512 Mb of RAM, but also 1GHz is recommendedforbetter performance.User guide: video available in Spanish, for now
VirTimePlace, Virtual Heritage 1.6.3
Virtual Reality for cultural archaeology heritage tourism andeducation